Decision of treating subtle seizures (with electrographic correlate) will be more important in LMICs where they are more common (HIE being common). Obviously electrical only seizures can not be recognized, but this seizure type do exist and has to be included in the classification system. 75028, USA, Text on this website is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except all videos and images, which remain copyrighted by the International League Against Epilepsy, Privacy & Security © 2021 International League Against Epilepsy, Committees, Task Forces and Advisory Commissions, Committees, Task Forces, and Advisory Commissions, Committees, Task Forces and Advisory Commissions Home, ILAE Executive Committee Elections 2017-2021, ILAE Executive Committee Elections 2017-2021 Home, Asia and Oceanian Region Elections 2017-21, Eastern Mediterranean Region Elections 2017-21, ILAE Executive Committee Elections 2013-2017, ILAE Executive Committee Elections 2013-2017 Home, Vice-President, Secretary-General and Treasurer Elections, Regional Commission Elections 2013-2017 Home, Asian and Oceanian Region Commission 2013-17, Eastern Mediterranean Regional Commission 2013-17, North American Regional Commission 2013-17, Latin American Regional Commission 2013-17, ILAE Executive Committee Elections 2009-2013, ILAE Executive Committee Elections 2009-2013 Home, Regional Commission Elections 2009-2013 Home, Asian & Oceanian Regional Commission for 2009-2013, Eastern Mediterranean Regional Commission 2009-2013, Latin American Regional Commission 2009-2013, Draft Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders, WHA Side Event: Epilepsy: A public health priority, WHO Resolution on the Global Burden of Epilepsy, CDC Report: Risk Factors of Epilepsy Outcomes: Comorbidities in a Population with Epilepsy, Brazilian Ministry of Health to intensify assistance to Epilepsy in 2013, Colombian Law Provides Protection for Individuals Suffering from Epilepsy, Epilepsy and Sport Project: Stand Up For Epilepsy®, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Home, PAHO - Governments in the Americas Will Create Epilepsy Care Programs, Proposed Classification and Definition of Epilepsy Syndromes, Proposed Classification and Definition of Epilepsy Syndromes Home, Proposed classification: Syndromes in Neonates and Infants, Proposed classification: Syndromes in Children, Proposed classification: Syndromes with onset at variable ages, Proposed classification: Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsies, The 2014 Definition of Epilepsy: A perspective for patients and caregivers, ILAE Classification of the Epilepsies (2017), Proposed clinical practice guideline for automated seizure detection using wearable devices, Proposed Guideline: Minimum standards for long-term video-EEG monitoring, Proposed clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of depression in adults with epilepsy, Baltic Sea Summer School on Epilepsy (BSSSE), Dianalund Summer School on EEG and Epilepsy (DSSEE), Epilepsy Regional Teaching Course, Kinshasa, European Project on Development of Epilepsy Surgery (EPODES), Francophone Teaching Course of the Commission on African Affairs, International Congress on Epilepsy, Brain & Mind, International Summer School for Neuropathology and Epilepsy Surgery (INES), San Servolo Epilepsy Summer SchoolSan Servolo Epilepsy Summer School, WONOEP – The Workshop on Neurobiology of the Epilepsies, WONOEP – The Workshop on Neurobiology of the Epilepsies Home, Video-EEG Course in Paediatric Epilepsies, Letter to Chapters regarding WHA Resolution on Epilepsy, COVID-19 Surveys for Patients and Caregivers, FAQ pour les personnes épileptiques et leurs familles, Domande e risposte per le persone con epilessia e le loro famiglie, Preguntas frecuentes para personas con epilepsia y sus familias, Virtual Epilepsy Symposium 2020: Learnings from the COVID-19 Pandemic, COVID-19 vaccines and people with epilepsy, COVID-19 vaccines and people with epilepsy Home, For persons with epilepsy and caregivers Home, Developing a New Approach for Classification, Application for Requesting ILAE Endorsement of an Educational Activity, The ILAE classification of seizures and the epilepsies: Modification for seizures in the neonate, Sensitivity of Amplitude-Integrated Electroencephalography for Neonatal Seizure Detection. A minor point- I think there is a typographical error and reference 91 should be used for the sentence ”It has been suggested that definite BIRDs with an evolution represent “very brief” electrographic seizures”. Auto Immune and Unknown etiologies are concerned as they are not operating in neonatology. I believe that this new classification on neonatal seizures is a great effort to unify the diagnostic criteria, and thus to better understand the pathophysiology and the evolutionary course. There are three methods to obtain blood from an infant for ABG analysis, 1. The authors have done a terrific work which provides many clarifications on the topic. Some method should be provided to describe sequential changes of clinical manifestations by preparing descriptors. From the etiologic point of view, there are some nice new insights, I agree that clonic seizures are very often seen in localized pathology eg stroke or hemorrhage , whereas patients with encephalopathy (HIE, EIEE, EME) mostly present with tonic, myoclonic or EEG only seizures. Ictal EEG findings of neonatal seizures with a shorter duration should be established. The motor classifications of neonatal seizures include one novel word, which is “sequential.” This one word opens up the whole slippery question about whether a propagation pattern is one unified seizure or multiple “sequential” seizures. This classification must also be able to be consulted by neonatologists. The percentage of tidal volume that is deadspace (does not participate in gas exchange, Ventilation without Perfusion), 1. As part of the approval and adoption process the League asks for its members to review and comment on the proposed classification. However, I don't understand the rationale for calling brief spasms "epileptic spasms" - are they connected to epilepsy? This paper has now been published, read it here: The ILAE classification of seizures and the epilepsies: Modification for seizures in the neonate. As in the proposal for older children and adults, the graphs are very informative. The definitions sections – parts of this seem a bit unnecessary as you don’t seem to actually use some of the terms in the document apart from in Table 3 - perhaps they could just go in the table legend? All neonatal seizures are admittedly focal, but it seems that which type of focal should be important. We strongly agree with the brave statement that neonatal seizures are exclusively of focal onset. Using the term focal here is confusing. I think it is really good that the distinction between neonatal seizures and epilepsy is made throughout the paper. The main concern I would like to raise would be the applicability in most parts of the world due to need for continuous monitoring. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 37Il peut être amélioré grâce au traitement précoce de la mère pendant la grossesse et dépend de la précocité du diagnostic . ... Toute hydrocéphalie toxoplasmique ( toujours non communicante et bloquée par définition ) devra être dérivée ... In relation to table 4 (Seizure types according to etiology): I think autonomic seizures  have been included by mistake in motor seizures. It would be helpful if the updated report could address neonates that have received anti-seizure medication or sedative medications prior to EEG. Acta Pediatr Scand 1966;55:38-48 14) Villalta IA, Pramanik AK, Diaz-Blanco J, Herbst J. Instruction manual for the ILAE 2017 operational classification of seizure types)”. I congratulate the team for the hard work put in and trying to classify neonatal seizures, which have otherwise protean manifestations. This is confusing. The video monitoring capabilities with EEGs are often lacking. If not, did the members of the panel reach a formal consensus? Is the separate classification electrographic seizure needed. We also thing that “the 10-seconds rule” is acceptable. HIE), abnormal neurological state during the event and at least some background abnormalities on the EEG even without the events. However on discussing about neonates a “List of Accepted Epileptic Seizure Types” has to be still defined and this issue is the effort of the present work, highly appreciable. We can have : Focal (motor/non motor), generalised and electrographic as three major groups to begin with. Pressure is applied for a minimum of five minutes, 1. Manual of neonatal care. 1. I'll be happy to assist. Clinical description of seizure was also straight-forward. In the ILAE operational classification of seizures (2017), the seizure type was defined by the initial manifestation, not the most obvious. If one comes to practise neurology in resource limited country the first questions crossing the mind is that how to recognize the subtle forms and bizarre features of NS; Is it epileptic or symptomatic one; Is it easy to manage or intractable as we see often. concerned with the management of neonates, towards a more. Localization within the brain should be specified when this is appropriate”. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 412Si le diagnostic est confirmé, un traitement substitutif à vie permet un développement psychomoteur et une croissance ... Définition. L'hypothyroïdie périphérique résulte de la diminution de la production des hormones thyroïdiennes et ... I think the paper is excellent and exactly what we need to better classify neonatal seizures! - This classification transposes the concept of “seizures type” as defined in the 2001 ILAE Commission report on classification and terminology: “Axis 2: is the epileptic seizure type, or types, experienced by the patient…… that represent diagnostic entities with etiologic, therapeutic, and/or prognostic implications. Trouvé à l'intérieurA. Définition - Physiopathologie . .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . ll. Diagnostic. ... A. DiagnoStiC de l'allo-immuniSation . ... C. Risque néonatal . I also see that there are good pragmatic reasons to recommend to be cautious when reacting to clinical paroxysmal events which do not have ictal EEG correlates, and to accept paroxysmal EEG-events as seizures even when appearing "subclinical" at first glance. The outcomes combined neonates with BIRDS and clinical seizures and BIRDS without clinical seizures so it is not clear how many neonates with BIRDS and no clinical seizures had an abnormal outcome. Moreover, these subtle seizures are usually without an electrographic correlate, hence these may not even be considered seizures as per the proposed classification. The video-register of the event may be the principal tool to this diagnosis. In addition, a significance of BIRDs (brief interictal rhythmic discharges) should be investigated in the future, as the authors stated. Definition. Trouvé à l'intérieurDéfinition La médecine de dépistage consiste à procéder à des examens de manière à déterminer si des personnes ne développent ... L'évolution scientifique est en faveur d'un élargissement du dépistage néonatal notamment à la maladie de ... Dépistage néonatal de la drépanocytose en France Pertinence d'une généralisation du dépistage à l'ensemble des nouveau-nés. Sequential – this term is rather confusing and will probably end up as a default state for szs which cannot be accurately classified? We ask that the taskforce members please consider the following feedback and questions prior to completion of the final classification document: AES appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback on this document, and with bated breath, we look forward to receiving the final updated version of the classification of neonatal seizures. The committee’s assumption of neonatal seizures is always focal and placing epileptic spasms and myoclonic seizures under the broad motor seizure category undermines the importance of clinically recognizing these forms of neonatal seizures secondary to early myoclonic encephalopathies. - The fact that arbitrarily 10 seconds have been chosen as the minimum duration to define a seizure must be reviewed, taking into account that not only spasms, but also focal seizures, may have a shorter duration, although they are clearly epileptic in nature. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 843Définition des besoins de surveillance de l'épidémie , élaboration et mise en oeuvre des programmes concernant le ... de santé dans le champ de la périnatalité , notamment la politique de dépistage néonatal des maladies rares . Clinical events without an EEG correlate are not to be included, Seizures in the neonatal period have been shown to have a focal onset, and so a division into focal and generalized is unnecessary, The arbitrarily 10 seconds chosen as the minimum duration to define a seizure must be reviewed. even in cerebellar and brainstem networks. 2013;15:9–18. Sincerely,Shlomo Shinnar, MD, PHD, AES President. 4 - I am not sure if the term generalized onset seizures of the new classification should be eliminated, because these are observed in the epileptic syndromes. Queensland Clinical Guideline: Neonatal seizures. I think this is important as HIE may be in practice to readily considered before other other important causes of neonatal encephalopathy. The classification of "seizures" and "epilepsies" has always been a challenging task in neonates and young infants, primary reasons being the immaturity of nervous system and the heterogenous etiological profile. I think figure 1 is a bit confusing particularly when trying to correlate with figure 3. In the neonate, however, there is more bilirubin than can be handled due to immature liver. I am very happy that you mention aEEG but I think it should be mentioned that only the aEEG trend is not very good for detecting seizures, the raw-EEG should be inspected. 5. In both reference 27 and 28, the recordings were typically an hour long. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 174SAPL néonatal La présence d'aPL chez une femme enceinte est à haut risque de complications, telles que les fausses ... désormais quatre critères : – implication d'au moins trois organes et/ou tissus (diagnostic clinique confirmé par ... Would it be easier to state the neonatal period is 44 weeks PMA and younger for term and preterm neonates? The PAP and Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure are measured with a balloon tipped, flow directed, pulmonary artery catheter (Swan Ganz), Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure (PCWP), 1. 92 can be attached as an appendix for ease of use by such centres. While appreciating the importance of the current classification, I would really wonder whether this classification further estrange the gap in treatment of neonatal seizures in resource limited settings. Thank you, once again, to this ILAE task force on Neonatal Seizures, for this commendable and important work. Complications may include seizures, cerebral palsy, or kernicterus. This will serve as a helpful guide in description of neonatal seizures and will help in improving inter-rater reliability, education, and – I hope – treatment. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 1009... 148e mains, pieds, bouche, 203t médullaire, 737 métabolique diagnostic du, 367e maladie cardiovasculaire et, 367 néphrotique, ... 513-519 membres supérieurs, 511-513 Systole définition de la, 344 bruits surajoutés dans la, 390e,408t ... In this background, the ILAE Task Force's effort to develop guidelines for classification is definitely welcome and greatly appreciated. The next is less a critique of the document than an acknowledgement of the difficulty in neonatal EEG. Clinical ,Electroclinical and Electrographic classification needs more elaboration: Epilepsy syndromes sould be under a separate heading although it may genetically determined Syndromes presenting in the neonatal period include: self-limited (benign) familial neonatal epilepsy, early myoclonic encephalopathy (EME), and early infantile epileptic encephalopathy (Ohtahara syndrome). At the end of that time, the comments will remain public, and an independent task force will be named by the Management Committee to review the comments and to make appropriate changes. I agree with the proposal of this important document. It think that it is very correct to eliminate the minimum duration (10 seconds) of the definition of seizures, given that it was an arbitrary concept. neonatal, early neonatal and stillbirth mortality Countries and territories grouped by United Nations Neonatal and Perinatal Mortality. The consequences of such a definition change could be significant, resulting both in clinical treatment of BRDs with medications, and by muddying ongoing research efforts by changing the fundamental definition of seizure such that findings from prior studies are no longer directly comparable to those from future efforts. With regard to table 5- Electrographic seizures are seen more commonly in preterm infants than term infants (Glass, et al Ped Neur 2107; 72:19-24) but may not be typical. Page 4/line 57: By this confusing definition of “neonatal period”, a preterm baby born at or before 36 weeks would be outside the neonatal age beginning at 40 weeks PMA, whereas a term baby born at 41 weeks would be in the neonatal age range until 45 weeks PMA. Could it be modified based on cheaper devices such as aEEG? I agree that in Neonate, the second division into aware and unaware seizure is not applicable because it is not possible to confidently assess awareness and responsiveness in this age group. The proposed category of "sequential seizures" reduces the internal logic of the classification and risks being used as a "whatever" category, where all longer and more complex seizures are included. Among the modifiers of epileptic spasms, behavioral state (wakefulness/ deep sleep/ both) during which the spasms occur may be an important modifier to ease the classification of an underlying epilepsy syndrome (esp. In conclusion, we consider that the proposed new classification of neonatal seizures proposed is agreeable, but there are some issues to be solved in the future. In Table 4, not all of the most common seizure types are highlighted. We hope that vigorous researches will be performed toward future revision. It seems to me that it might be convenient to consider adding to the classification the seizures with clinical manifestation only, especially when they appear in neonates with interictal paroxysmal activity in the EEG and there is a symptomatic etiology known. On the other hand the number of extremely premature neonates has increased exponentially, and they act different signs and symptoms……. Seizures in neonates can present with a variety of clinical signs and in some situations, it may be difficult to identify the dominant feature. I agree with Nagarajan that the clinical feature presenting early in the seizure may reflect the seizure onset region in the brain. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 4Il est peu probable tinction entre prévention et diagnostic prénatal n'est qu'elle se développe pour beaucoup de ... se définit comme la prévention des conséquences physiques et des complications Définition des maladies génétiques de la ... Flower Mound, TX However, in adults onset is most linked to these. Some of the seizure-related clinical events in neonates are morphologically similar to non-seizure related events, such as apnoea. Congratulations to the team for a this great job. Some may think clinical manifestation which is observed for the longest period within a seizure, whereas other may think clinical manifestation which attracted most strong attention of the observer. 3. I am not sure there is enough evidence to say that a BIRD is equivalent to a seizure and therefore should be treated with seizure medication. ), 1. Only few suggestions I would like to make which I think could be included in the draft, Thanks and regards,Professor Sheffali Gulati. I think we need a precision description of possible sign and symptoms of neonatal seizures according to each gestational age. ABG are an important part of assessing the infant or child in respiratory distress, 1. The new neonatal seizure classification proposal looks fine to me. You have proposed a very nice flowchart in Fig 2 which seems to be pretty simple but very practical, but there is a dead-end after “non-seizure episodes, without EEG correlate”! We really appreciate the effort of Task Force. Measures the output of the left ventricle to the systemic arterial circulation, 1. Overall I think it is very good. 4. I thank the committee for the tremendous efforts and work. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 1009... pieds, bouche, 203t médullaire, 737 métabolique diagnostic du, 367e maladie cardiovasculaire et, 367 néphrotique, faciès du, ... 513-519 membres supérieurs, 511-513 Systole définition de la, 344 bruits surajoutés dans la, 390e, 408t ...
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