Meet Your UCA Church Team
[group photo with caption in progress, coming soon]
General Information
We are a family of Seventh-day Adventist church members worshiping and serving God on the campus of Upper Columbia Academy (UCA) in Spangle, Washington. Our mission: As a church family we are called by God to mentor children and youth to have a personal, lifelong relationship with Jesus, expressing itself through service.
Our Students
Over 200 students from Upper Columbia Academy join us for worship and Sabbath School (Bible study) classes during the school year. We love our students and consider them part of our family. It is our mission to help them know Jesus and succeed in their Christian walk. We also have an elementary school on our campus with 20 or more students attending year by year. Our schools value spiritual growth, educational excellence, and healthy social relationships. All community members are invited to enroll their children in our schools if they would like to receive a quality Christian education.
Our Activities
In addition to events connected with the academy, such as music programs, mission trips, community service, and outreach, UCA Church also conducts social and spiritual activities for its members all year long. Many of our members are involved in mid-week prayer groups, ladies’ Bible study groups, and men’s ministries. Youth activities include Pathfinder club, Adventurer club, Vacation Bible School, and more.
And You?
We’d like to get to know you too. If you’re interested, there are several ways to connect:
- We invite you to come visit us some Sabbath! Directions to Sabbath School classes for all ages are available with the friendly greeters at the door, or you can check the signs in the entryways.
- Fill out a visitor card in church.
- Fill out a Connect card here on the website.