Each Tuesday of the week, ladies of UCA Church are invited to a group Bible study. The study is open to all women who want to study various subjects of the Bible and form relationships with other ladies in the church. Just bring your Bible and a willingness to study God's word. Meeting time is usually at 8:30 a.m. each Tuesday. Please call the church to get more information. … [Read more...]
You’ll Like it Here!
At UCA Church we strive to love people the way Jesus did, and glorify Him in everything we do. When we talk about Jesus and genuinely share what He has done for us, people can't help but be attracted. Jesus said that when He is lifted up, or exalted, He will draw people to him (John 12:32). Our church family wants you to know Jesus, and experience his love, joy and peace! … [Read more...]
Worship With Music This Sabbath At The Hymn Festival
Enjoy the gift of music this Sabbath at the UCA Hymn Fest. As part of the parent weekend for the academy, UCA Choral Director, Curtis Anderson will be leading us in a celebration of hymn music. You will be blessed to hear the UCA Choir and Choraliers, as well as several other groups. And you will learn something new about the history and heritage we have in our hymnal. Join … [Read more...]
Regular Adult Sabbath School Class This Sabbath
If you would like to attend a regular adult Sabbath School class this sabbath, you still can at UCA Church. Even though the parent weekend includes a special Sabbath School program, the adult Sabbath School class that meets in the back hallway of the church will still be meeting at 10:00 a.m. You are welcome to join them in discussion of the lesson in the adult Sabbath School … [Read more...]
Parent Weekend Starts Friday Night with Vespers
Parent Weekend is here! And you are welcome to join us for programs in the gymnasium this weekend or online. In addition to Friday night vespers beginning at 7:00 p.m., you can also attend a special Sabbath School program, a beautiful Hymn Fest for church and the Amateur Hour on Sabbath after sundown. If you are unable to attend Parent Weekend but would like to join in the … [Read more...]