A special freewill offering was received at the end of the church service on Sabbath (Saturday), October 18, for the continuing relief of the Carlton Complex Firestorm that hit Okanogan County this summer. Over $550 was donated to the cause.
Ten percent of the total will be placed in the UCC Disaster Response fund so that money will be on hand for an immediate response when yet another disaster hits in the Upper Columbia Conference area. The rest will go to the relief efforts.
Here is an excerpt of a message from Patty Marsh, Upper Columbia Conference Community Services Director:
“Often at the moment of the disaster compassionate people want to give, and that is a blessing. But after the ashes settle, insurance firms assess, government decides how much they will assist and most agencies leave, what then? In counsel with area members, local Adventist Community Service leaders, pastors in the areas affected and our Disaster Response leaders, the thought is that carefully and prayerfully, financial gifts will be shared with friends, families and neighbors who have lost homes in Upper Columbia Conference in these firestorm areas and have the greatest needs. Our prayer is that this financial token of love will serve as more than a check or gift card to purchase needed items for their home, but more importantly a gift expressing how deeply their Seventh-day Adventist friends care.”
One gives freely, yet grows all the richer;
another withholds what he should give,
and only suffers want.
Whoever brings blessing will be enriched,
and one who waters will himself be watered.
— Proverbs 11:24-25