It didn't seem to fit Jesus' character to ignore a plea for help. She was a Gentile, but He had helped Roman soldiers before, what was his reason for ignoring this woman? The disciples were getting annoyed at her and told Jesus to send her away. When she continued to ask for help, Jesus finally said, “I was sent only to help God’s lost sheep—the children of Israel.” Yet she … [Read more...]
16,000 Apples Squeezed
[Launch Slideshow] One hundred and fifty gallons of fresh apple cider got pressed last Sunday by UCA Church members at the Apple Cider Squeeze. The annual fall social, hosted by Marvin and Karen Gee, brought over 60 people out to take part in the event that's a lot of work, but a lot of fun too. Two bins of Golden Delicious and Gayla apples, as well as a few from the … [Read more...]
Firestorm Offering
A special freewill offering was received at the end of the church service on Sabbath (Saturday), October 18, for the continuing relief of the Carlton Complex Firestorm that hit Okanogan County this summer. Over $550 was donated to the cause. Ten percent of the total will be placed in the UCC Disaster Response fund so that money will be on hand for an immediate response when … [Read more...]
Jesus, Live and in Person
How has Jesus impacted the lives of the students at Upper Columbia Academy? This church service and sermon time was led by our academy students who shared testimonies and stories of how Jesus has been real to them. Their experiences will challenge and inspire you to notice how Jesus has been influential in all of our lives. … [Read more...]
Condition Recognition
As Jesus and His friends were crossing Lake Galilee, a terrible storm blew in and swamped their little fishing boat. The fishermen were in great physical danger, about to drown, until they realized Jesus was with them. Recognizing the condition they were in, they cried out to Jesus, who stood up, and spoke to the wind and the waves, and all was still. Sabbath (Saturday), … [Read more...]