It’s Thanksgiving time… and that’s when we often get together with family to enjoy the things we are most thankful for: family, food, God’s provision, and our health. What a wonderful season it is, and a terrific opportunity to build relationships with each other. When all of your loved ones can get together and spend time cooking, eating, fellowshiping, worshiping, and just having a good time together, it is a wonderful blessing!
But is Thanksgiving the only time to give thanks?
There are other times and occasions to give thanks as well. Solomon said, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning…”
Every morning is a time for thanks giving!
Sometimes our circumstances are such that we don’t feel like giving thanks. It might be the loss of a job, a severe illness, or even just a rainy day when we planned a picnic. There are many times when we simply have a hard time thinking of something to be thankful for. Is it possible to develop the habit of always being thankful?
As natural born sinners we are all depraved, capable of the most grievous sins, and very much deserving of death in the presence of a perfect and all powerful God. But thankfully we have a God of love who has made a way of salvation for us. A plan and a means to save us from destroying ourselves in our foolish mistakes. That is a reason to give thanks! And a reason to do it each and every morning.
Join us this Sabbath at UCA Church as Pastor Jon shares more ideas about when to give thanks.