I love stories about people who are brave. The story of Desmond Doss comes to mind, an army medic in World War II, Doss risked his life over and over again to save wounded soldiers from certain death. I also think of the story of Ernest Shackleton who sailed a small life boat across a stormy antarctic sea in order to save his shipmates who were stranded in ice. Of course there are dozens of stories of bravery in the Bible in which God’s servants risked their lives: David against Goliath, Joshua in the battle of Jericho, Moses and Pharaoh.
Bravery looks really nice after the story is over doesn’t it? Especially when everything ends well. Who doesn’t want to be known as a hero who saved the lives of persecuted and helpless individuals.
Some might say that it takes even more bravery, though, to do things that don’t end in death personally. Like watching a loved one struggle through a difficult cancer treatment. Or going through a divorce or break-up. What about when you have to send your kids off to school or college? What about testifying in court against a criminal?
And how do we be brave during life’s relationship difficulties? How do we find bravery when it comes to doing what’s right when are friends are doing wrong? What about when it comes to finding a job, or sharing your faith, telling your best friend forever that you don’t want to watch that movie with them again for the 40th time this year?
The answer to all of these difficulties is found in God’s word of course. God says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9). And that is why we should be thankful when we face trials and difficulties.
Thankful for trials? Yes, that’s in the Bible too. And there is good reason for it, but finding the strength to face those trials requires a special strength that can only come from God.
Please join us this Sabbath for a special message and a dedication service at UCA Church to start of the new school year. We know there are difficulties ahead for all of us, but we are so thankful that we can face them with Him, the one who makes us brave.