One of our church family, Paul Frost, recently experienced a serious accident and was hospitalized for some time. Since they do not have health insurance, they could use some financial help from the church.
If you would like to make a contribution, there is a box in the Church foyer to accept donations for Paul and his family for their expenses. A list of items is also available at the deacon’s counter.
Paul has unfortunately had a debilitating accident when the glass table he was sitting on shattered causing a large shard to wound his back deeply. He will out of work and has many needs. There are six children in the family, not counting Paul and Helana. The UCA Church is helping him with some of the financial burden through the benevolent fund. You may give monetarily through this fund. You may also give physical items as listed below to the box in the foyer of the church. Thank you for your contributions!
Items for Paul Frost and family:
- Size 3 diapers
- Diaper wipes
- Other consumable baby items
- Paper Products
- Paper towels
- Toilet Paper
- Plates, bowls, cups, etc
- Non-perishable food items
- PB & J
- Crackers
- Etc…