It’s alumni weekend at the academy and we are excited to have Tammy McGuire as our speaker for Sabbath. Tammy McGuire is a college professor at Pacific Union College, a former teacher of UCA and a “denizen of the wilderness” as much as possible. When Tammy was an English teacher at UCA she was a favorite among students for her wit and enthusiasm for learning. You wont want to miss her sermon which is sure to be full of fun stories and interesting facts.
Worship and Sabbath School services this weekend will be held in the gymnasium starting at 10 a.m. to accommodate our academy alumni. If you have children you can take them to the church for Sabbath School classes from 10 – 11 a.m. Children must be dropped off and registered at the church by their parents or legal guardian.
Other Sabbath School classes will also meet at their regular time from 10-11 a.m.
You can see a complete list of meetings scheduled for Alumni Weekend on the UCA Alumni page.