Hi, I'm the website editor, and I would like to inform everybody that you can now send me announcements regarding the church. If you have any announcements that you think would be important to show up on the website and in the newsletter, please email me at . … [Read more...]
Fresh Fruit
Alice Huggard is going to make a fruit run on the 27th of this month and is taking orders: Peaches and nectarines are $18.00 for a 23-25 pound box Bartlett Pears are $15.00 for a 30 pound box Blueotts (plumcots, cross between plum and apricot) are $21.75 for a 25 pound box Italian prune plums are also $21.75 for a 25 … [Read more...]
Spokane Interstate Fair
The UCA church is responsible for staffing the Adventist booth on Sunday, September 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. We need three volunteers for 2-4 hour time blocks. Fair tickets are provided to volunteers. Sign up at the UCA Church at the deacon's desk or contact Cindy Williams at (509) 868-4127. Volunteer training will be held on August 31 at 6:30 p.m. and September 5 at … [Read more...]
Calling all Adventurers!
Kids ages 5-10 (Preschool-4th grade) who love crafts. activities, and learning more about Jesus are invited to join us each Wednesday evening from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the UCA Church. Registration will take place at our first Adventurer meeting on Wednesday, August 30th. Contact the director Chelle Hess with any question at (509) 981-9511. … [Read more...]
Pathfinder Registration
Pathfinder registration will begin at 5:30 p.m. and will be held at the Dant's house, 17106 Smythe Rd. Spokane, WA. Supper will be provided. A pool party will also be hosted at this address at 6:00 p.m. for those registering. For more information, call Cindy Williams at (509) 868-4127. … [Read more...]